
Saturday, 7 February 2015

An evening with the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon

On Monday evening I was just going through my twitter and saw a tweet from the university's page announcing that tickets had been released for Nicola Sturgeon.

As bad as this sounds, I only knew her name and nothing more about her. I knew that she had stepped up when Alex Salmond resigned after the Scottish independence election and so I decided to get two tickets for my friend and I. I didn't realise how popular it was and that we were lucky to get tickets.

We made our way to Bute Hall on the Tuesday evening. We arrived early to ensure we had one of the best seats in the house and waited for her arrival.

The ticket that I had to show when I got to the door.
She arrived late due to traffic, but this did not stop her fans and myself, as I eagerly await to hear what she was going to say. When she did arrive, we all clapped, and she had photos taken for the press and for the university, before starting her speech.

Nicola introduced herself and as an alma mater of the university, she felt very comfortable here. She spoke of Bute Hall and felt many emotions when she stepped inside this room. Like many of us will eventually do, she took her final exams here and graduated in this room, and now, presented to us with the prestigious role of First Lady and Minister of Scotland. 

The morals she spoke of she held close to her heart. I found inspiring to listen to her as she pressed that everyone should "be yourself". As a politician, she said she was easily judged on the way she behaved as she was always in the news. If she did not smile then the newspapers would have something to say about it. Equally, if she was being too friendly, then she was seen as weak. Nicola made it clear, that no matter what path you wish to follow you can achieve your dreams. 

She made everyone feel that the impossible was possible. Nicola opened up to us all and explained inequality in gender in today's society still exists. She told us about how she would be judged on what she wore but ensured us she ignored these remarks and told us to do the same. It rang through to us to be ourselves and "follow your heart". 

Nicola said: "Whatever you want to do in life, follow your heart". As a teenager, she was told that to have a chance for getting into parliament she should join Labour. Nicola explained to us, she didn't want to do this because her beliefs were different. If she did not choose to join the Scottish National Party then she would not be following her heart. 

The talk was interesting and was started by a new lecture series of Successful Women at Glasgow (SW@G). 

Nicola was smartly dressed and I loved her shoes!
She finished the talk with questions, all based on women's inequality of some sort which was interesting to hear as she could speak of her own views and opinions on these subjects. She was a pleasure to watch and I felt so inspired at the end that I feel anyone could achieve anything if they put their mind to it. 

I even managed to get a photo with Nicola at the end of the talk.
Have you ever met anyone that has inspired you, or read something that has motivated you to work for something you saw before as impossible?



Wednesday, 4 February 2015

My weekend in Loch Lomond

It was such a surprise when my parents said they wanted to come and visit me in Glasgow. They would be staying at Cameron House in Loch Lomond and they planned to pick me up so we could go out somewhere for the day.

I've been waiting all month, but finally, Saturday evening came and mum and dad picked me up at Glasgow airport and took me out to what looked like the wilderness, when coming from such a busy city like London and the south east!

My dad excitedly getting into the car!
We arrived at the hotel and I was shocked to see such a lovely swimming pool with a flume. I wish my parents had told me and I would have brought my swimming gear! I left my things in the room and we went to Duck Bay for dinner where I had the most amazing steak accompanied by my favourite - BBQ sauce and chips! My Mum knew that I love a good Strawberry Daiquiri and so one was ordered to the table for me - And it was perfect! The evening was lovely and we came back to the hotel after and both had a hot chocolate, whilst my Dad enjoyed a Scottish beverage - Irn Bru in the bar at the hotel overlooking the Loch and watching the snow fall. It felt ever so christmassy!

The next morning I awoke and opened the curtains to see the utmost amazing view!

The view of Loch Lomond from my window.
We all knew that today was going to be a fab day just from the weather. The breakfast was unbelievable! I had Kippers while my Mum had Eggs Benedict and Dad had a Full English. After this, our adventure began as we decided to get in the car and go off on our travels further into the highlands! 

The first place we visited was Luss, a small village with cute gardens, exceptionally well kept. A church was also in this town to highlight the religious element upheld in this village. After a quick stop here to see the view of the Loch we made our way further up to the next village on our journey.

Loch Fyne

We stopped in a little town called Inveraray, where we were allowed to park free as it was out of the summer months. The town was deserted but had the potential to be buzzing full of tourists in the summer! 

Inveraray Castle.
Coming into Inveraray, over the bridge we saw this majestic castle, where my dad slowed down so I could take a photo.

We got out of the car and had a wander around the village to take photos of the views. There was also a memorial of the men who fought in the World War, which I thought was a lovely gesture.

We then stopped in a small teashop to have a drink and I ordered Chowder, it was beautiful! 

It was such a lovely afternoon I didn't want it to end. On the way back, it was like driving another way because you had such a different view of what you saw on the way there.

We then went into Balloch, the town right by Loch Lomond to the farmers market. As it was closing at four, we got there right before the end. I managed to get an onion, which was needed for my Spaghetti Bolognese I'll be making later in the week! I also got an Apple Crumble, which was homemade by one of the ladies at the stall. It was such a lovely view, with the wonderful colours in the sky.

The day came to a close as I was then dropped back to my halls, as my parents made they're way to the airport back home to Essex.

Do you ever have any spontaneous weekends where you just get in the car and go off to somewhere you've never been before?

